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Best Apps for Apple Watch this 2024 — Don’t Miss Them!

BEST APPS FOR APPLE WATCH — Are you one of the people who have an Apple Watch or is planning to get one?

The Apple Watch is not your typical watch. You can install many best apps on it so it will not only serve for time monitoring but as well as in many different types of functions right at your wrist.

Are you using your Apple Watch not only as part of your OOTD or Outfit of the Day but as well as in doing your work? Installing the Todoist may be very helpful for you. It is an app designed to harmonize the personal life and work of the watch wearer.

Todoist is a premiere task management tool that allows you to schedule tasks through the intuitive everyday language recognition. It also integrates seamlessly with Gmail, Outlook, and Slack as well as offers customizable project templates you can use for work.

Best Apps for Apple Watch

You can use your Apple Watch in locating destinations you have to visit for work and personal purposes. By having Citymapper on your watch, you always have an access to urban navigation that offers real-time comparisons among the different transport modes.

This app which is one of the best apps for Apple Watch offers live wait times, offline map access, personalized trip planning feature, and extensive global city coverage.

Best Apps for Apple Watch

Meditative practices can greatly help in preparing yourself for a busy day and this is where the advantage of having Headspace in your watch sets in. With it, you have an access to daily meditative practices where your mind can focus and absorb the teachings of meditation experts.


A busy day at work can lead you to forget that your body needs at least eight (8) cups of water daily — except for those with health conditions. Thus, having the Water Reminder app in your phone can be really helpful as it can help you ensure to meet the goal as it reminds water drinking from time to time.

You may further integrate it with HealthKit to monitor the nutritional values of your water intake.

Best Apps for Apple Watch

Also one of the best apps for your Apple Watch is Drafts which allows the gadget to offer a digital notepad that you can use for text-related tasks at work. Meanwhile, it is more than just a notepad as it turns texts into actions and allows you to send content to several apps and services.

Drafts also allows users to jot down voice notes as well as leverage advanced text manipulation features.


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