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Best Compass Apps for Android (2024)

COMPASS APPS – Here are some of the best mobile applications resembling a tradition compass that you must try.

A compass is a fundamental navigation instrument used for determining direction relative to the Earth’s magnetic poles. It consists of a magnetic needle that is free to rotate on a pivot. The needle aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic north and south poles.

Surrounding the needle is a compass rose, a circular diagram showing directions. The four main points are North (N), South (S), East (E), and West (W), with intermediate points such as Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW), and Northwest (NW).

Best Compass Apps

You hold it level and wait for the needle to settle. The direction in which the needle points is magnetic north. By aligning the compass rose so that North on the rose matches the direction of the needle, you can determine your destination.

Over the years, compasses become more advanced, often integrated with other technologies such as GPS and digital displays, but the basic principle of magnetic orientation remains the same.

Nowadays, people are using compass apps, digital applications designed to replicate the functionality of traditional magnetic compasses using the sensors present in smartphones and other electronic devices.

Best Compass Apps

These apps are handy tools for outdoor enthusiasts engaged in activities like hiking, camping, trekking, and geocaching. They help users navigate unfamiliar terrain and find their bearings.

Compass 360 Pro: This app offers a simple and intuitive interface with features like true north, magnetic north, and a level tool.

Smart Compass

It provides a digital compass with a magnetic and true north display, as well as GPS coordinates and altitude.

Google Maps

While primarily a mapping app, italso includes a compass feature that shows your current orientation when navigating on foot.


Spyglass is a comprehensive navigation toolkit with a digital compass, AR navigation, maps, GPS, and a rangefinder.

Compass Galaxy

It has a simple and easy-to-use digital compass with accurate direction readings and a sleek interface.

Compass 360 Pro

This app offers a digital compass with true and magnetic north readings, as well as additional features like a level tool and a flashlight.


It gives a simple and easy-to-use interface with accurate direction readings.

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