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Simple Yet Effective Methods to Earn Money on YouTube

YOUTUBE – Here are some simple yet effective methods on how to earn money on this social media platform.

YouTube is a popular online video-sharing platform and social media website that allows users to upload, view, share, and comment on videos. It was founded in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim and later acquired by Google in 2006.

The platform has become one of the largest and most influential websites on the internet, with millions of users and billions of videos available on the platform. It offers a wide range of content, including music videos, movie trailers, comedy sketches, and web series.


It has become a valuable resource for learning that cover topics such as science, mathematics, history, language learning, and more. Institutions like universities and museums also share educational content.

YouTube offers live streaming capabilities, allowing users to broadcast live events, gaming sessions, webinars, and more.

Over the past few years, many individuals and influencers use YouTube as a platform for vlogging, sharing their daily lives, experiences, and opinions. The website becomes a marketplace for content creators to earn money while doing what they love.


Here are some simple methods to earn on YouTube:

Content Making

Set up a YouTube account, choose your niche, create high-quality contents, and establish a regular upload schedule. Use elevant keywords and tags in your video titles, descriptions, and tags then engage with your audience. Promote your channel and enable monetization.

Sell Merch

Perhaps you consider yourself a content producer first and an entrepreneur second.  Alternatively, you may be an entrepreneur first and a video maker second, which means you already have a product and are developing a YouTube marketing strategy to sell it.

Create Sponsored Content

An influencer does not have to be on Instagram. The #sponcon method has the advantage of not requiring you to give YouTube a portion of your earnings. You negotiate with the brand directly, and they pay you directly. It’s no surprise that it’s a popular way for YouTubers to generate money.

Affiliate Marketing

Businesses’ YouTubers encourage their viewers to visit the brand’s online store or specific product pages. They are then compensated a percentage of sales generated by their — you guessed it — affiliate connections.

Receive Direct Payment from Fans

This YouTube money-making method contains several distinct income sources, but they all have one thing in common: you must make it simple for your viewers to demonstrate their thanks with their credit card.

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